Cittadini SpA: development and sustainable social value over time
Cittadini spa, convinced that the company must create sustainable development and social value over time, has applied the "philosophy of the net" in the economic activity as an ethical value model of the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility: "Each knot is a strong point and all the meshes are strengthened by working together" which, in the company and in life, means the centrality and enhancement of each person, synergistic work and sharing of objectives, collaboration and solidarity as tools for the collective good.
At Cittadini the principles of Social Responsibility have been concretized as:
- enhancement of people, especially of women, considered a precious economic and social resource, with cutting-edge policies for reconciling family and work (part time, flexible hours, extraordinary leave), equal opportunities (for recruitment, salary, meritocratic career, Stars of Merit awards);
- integration and inclusion of gender and diversity, of former prisoners, disabled people, women with serious hardship through contracts with social cooperatives;
- social sustainability as a conscious use of resources in respect of man and the environment, to contribute to the improvement and to the socio-economic development of the community where we operate;
- attention to relations with civil society: financing of cultural initiatives, international solidarity projects (net factory in India for widowed women), support for scientific research on systemic sclerosis (scholarships to GILS Onlus);
- attention to the local community and territory (scholarships for students, recovery of historical memory and local traditions of the net), support for cooperative projects for families and for autistic assistance, support for COVID-19 solidarity initiatives ("Let's help Brescia" and a "Vaccine for all");
- excellent quality of relations with customers and suppliers based on transparency, fairness, compliance with agreements and payments (adhesion to confindustria initiative "I pay suppliers"), shared planning for product innovation;
- strict management of the company: adoption of the Code of Ethics and the Legislative Decree 231/01 model, ISO 9001:2015 certification, GRS 4.0:2017 certification and adoption of an ISO 14001:2015 certified environmental management model;
- anti-corruption commitment – Renewal of legality rating with 2 Stars++ of greater merit.
For her welfare policy, Cittadini has been a testimonial in Confindustria Brescia and in the community about the Project on the Reconciliation of family and work called "It can be done and it is convenient" and was among the first signatories of the "Charter of Equal Opportunities". The President herself, Pia Cittadini, has been the promoter of a cultural change in the business field regarding conciliation and equal opportunities policy.